The Emotional Horsemanship Foundation Online Course
What Does It Teach You?

The foundations of Emotional Horsemanship, in simple easy English. You will learn the foundation principals of this horse training method, plus powerful Self-Awareness exercises. Then, carefully and deliberately, with theory and practical tutorials, you will be taught Mother & Foal Bonding (MFB) the essential foundation technique of Emotional Horsemanship.
MFB is like the Alphabet of Emotional Horsemanship and all subsequent techniques spring from it.
Including downloadable PDF study guides, training journals, and a mobile compatible platform so your learning potential is maximised.
How Does It Teach You?
4 hours 18 minutes of Video Tutorials
18 Tutorials, both Theory and Practical
6 Tests
Downloadable PDF Booklets
40+ Downloadable Visual Slides
Professional Online Course Platform, mobile compatible (Udemy)
In plain, simple, clear and easy to understand English
Transcriptions for ESAL students
Captions for the hearing impaired
Who Does it Teach?
700+ students
Students in 51 Countries
Students who speak 16 different Native Languages
4.9/5 Star Rating on Average

5 Star Student Reviews

"The videos are well-made and organized, very easy to understand. I found especially helpful being shown some of the training moments from two sides at once. Lockie is incredibility talented, but he is also good at explaining the process, he is a wonderful horseperson and teacher."
A. Minervini
"Lockie is framing his invitation to learn with him in a way that leads straight to the opening of the heart."
R. Waugaman
"Lockie is a wonderful teacher! I’m thoroughly enjoying the course and am eager to employ the principles into my own training."
E.P. Ross
"The course content was interesting and how the course was structured made it easy to follow each point. The practical demonstrations with individual horses was fascinating."
J. Chestnut
"Exactly how I have always felt and intuitively got to know my horses. Understanding the actual reasoning for this is priceless. Thank you "
D. Diovera
Want to see more student reviews?
Teaching deeply caring equestrians how to create emotionally balanced horses, using science, empathy and feel
This Foundational Course is for the deeply caring horse owner who wants Science, Empathy & Feel, without ever violating their horse, or perpetuating cycles of abuse

The relationship and performance results Lockie has with horses, is not luck, or talent. It's technique. Technique informed by deep principals and self awareness
The Emotional Horsemanship Foundation Online Course was the result of 10 years of study and practice. Prior to the pandemic, Lockie was a struggling trainer, instructor, mountain horseback guide and Hoofcare provider, an all round horseman, working in Spain and Poland. He taught these unique techniques and principals to private owners on a one-to-one basis, struggled financially, rejected a social media presence, and in the in-between hours, would evaporate into wild places with his horse Sanson.
The Pandemic struck shortly after permanently relocating to Spain, and all work vanished. Horseback riding was illegal during Quarantine, so groundwork, and horse care was Lockie's only occupation now. With nothing to lose, and finally time on his hands, he put together the Foundation Online Course using an old and unreliable laptop and an even older second hand iPhone with a cracked screen. No lighting, no professional cameramen. Not even a tripod! Lockie hung the phone from an Olive Tree with baling twine and against huge logistical and financial barriers managed to create, film, edit and publish the course in 3.5 months. This course showed plainly and simply how he had been working with horses and their people for the last 10 years. Terrified to publish it, expecting rejection and criticism.
Though the critics certainly came, more frequently came a different kind of person. A type of horse person, hundreds and hundreds, and then thousands of them, who identified with this way of going. Horse people who had no place that felt like home in the horsemanship world yet found it in Emotional Horsemanship. Deeply caring horse people came out of the woodwork from everywhere, and continue to do so.
When Lockie sold the first 6 student spots, he was surprised and delighted. Now over 600 students later, the Foundation Course continues to be added to every year and studied by horse people around the world. This course now led itself to a range of Online Services, International Clinics, and soon a Coaching Program which takes people from the Foundational into Intermediate elements of this fluid and evolving horse training method.
From humble beginnings
Ever had imposter syndrome? Lockie experienced that extensively in his dance career. From the first day, he felt out of place. Leaving that career, made a simple decision to not feed that monster of Imposter Syndrome and speak kindly and honestly about both his strengths and weaknesses as a horse trainer.
Not born into a horsey family. Not born into money. No access to family land to keep horses, no access to home country or language or culture to make things go easier.
Living in a foreign country, self employed, without privilege. For a long time, Lockie couldn't afford livery, or due to Geographical barriers, couldn't physically access livery which kept horses in a kind way. Having only Sanson at the beginning, and then Caleb being donated to him, Lockie had to work, borrow, beg and hope on the kindness of local land owners to keep horses at all.

This is where the Foundational Course was filmed. On private property of a local land owner who had some space, and a shipping container, and allowed Lockie and his horses to make a start, while he helped them build an equestrian environment. He stayed there until a subsequent job offer in the mountains took him away.
Humble beginnings means, temporary electric fences that regularly failed, extreme hot summers, wild winter storms, 7 day work weeks and 14 hour work days. 50,000km driven in 2 years reaching clients in Andalucia. The beginning was very hard, nothing was given easy.
As demand grew for Lockie's services, and all the hours of the day filled, instead of pushing people away, Lockie's schedule continued to book out. In less than 3 years, he found himself on an overseas clinic tour, teaching that which only a short time before was done on a tiny scale, in remote and forgotten corners of Europe.
Today, Lockie now lives on a small, and comfortable farm in North Western Spain, and enjoys the company of four horses.
Emotional Horsemanship is not a finished product, but a work in progress. He works hard still, but not the self-harming type of hard work he had to shoulder in order to survive in the past.
He gratefully extends his help and support to any deeply caring horse owner who wants his help.

It all started with this horse...
The original plan was to not have a career with horses. But to keep them protected as a pleasurable past time. Until Lockie met Sanson. Sanson was a troubled young horse that horse people that were more experienced, smarter than and better than he, struggled with.
As an after thought, Lockie was asked one day, to work with Sanson. And Sanson just... melted. Sanson immediately took a liking to Lockie, and Lockie to him. It was an instant bond, Sanson would listen and understand, and always kept Lockie safe.
Despite living on opposite sides of Europe, Lockie kept returning to Spain to see Sani. Checking if it was true. Was this still real? Because of Sanson's trust in Lockie, Lockie started to work with other horses in the area, and quickly found a way to help deeply troubled and behavioural horses feel safe, calm and steady. The early days of understanding Emotional Balance.
Spending many years in deep study in Poland with excellent mentors, and working with troubled horses in Spain, after a while, Lockie couldn't wait any longer and asked to become Sanson's owner. His owner at the time refused. It took two years of convincing. Sanson came home to Poland with Lockie and there was rehabilitated and retrained for two years.
But due to the political situation in Poland, Lockie and his family fled to Spain, taking Sanson with them. Four years of semi-homelessness later, they were able to save enough to afford a simple, affordable farm in an unpopular part of Spain. It is there which is now home.
But this entire endeavour, started with a horse. Just one horse. One horse who trusted Lockie even when not many did.
Using the unique techniques that helped Sani trust Lockie, and then proving that this was not individual, but a universal thing. Something that many horses struggled with... but Sanson had no tolerance for.
Thank you Sani.