A veces, necesitamos una nueva perspectiva sobre problemas antiguos y familiares, Ā”para AVANZAR!
He llegado a los caballos desde una direcciĆ³n inusual. Esto me ha dado una habilidad Ćŗnica para mirar a los caballos y los desafĆos que presenta la vida ecuestre, con una perspectiva totalmente nueva, no estropeada por el condicionamiento social o una herencia de creencias y prĆ”cticas profundamente arraigadas.
NacĆ en Melbourne, Australia. Viviendo en los suburbios, para una familia sin caballos, los caballos no eran parte de mi vida diaria.
TenĆa un pariente que vivĆa en el monte australiano, y durante mi niƱez este pariente pasĆ³ por una fase de caballos y tenĆa varios caballos en su acera.
Todas las vacaciones escolares las pasaba en esa granja planeando todo el dĆa preguntando (rogando) si podĆa montar en pony o en el maestro de escuela Appaloosa. PasarĆa incontables horas con los caballos.
Todo lo que sĆ©, tenĆa caballos en el cerebro desde que tengo memoria,
How did Lockie go from
to This?
Horses are similar to dancers
Creatures of MOVEMENT
A highly developed part of brain that concerns movement, memory and emotion
Non-verbal communicators
Trained with disciplined, progressive and structured programs to enhance performance
Sometimes trained with abusive, painful and problematic practises
Lockie begun dance lessons aged 5 because he begged his parents for it. Nobody forced him.
Later, in a professional career Lockie experienced the way the body can respond to movement, to expression! How the nervous system and biomechanics integrate to influence performance. How teachers and trainers become the most important relationship in your life.
All of these experiences have been absolutely transferrable into work with horses.
Sometimes in their training, some horses might be made to experience pain, confusion and coercion or be made to perform under duress.
Usually, the trainers do not mean any harm. Usually those trainers lack access to better methods that give a performance result, without breaking the horses mind, body or spirit.
One horse, one human at a time, Lockie is developing, teaching and presenting alternative methods based on
Lockie has formal qualifications as a horse trainer in Natural Horsemanship, though methods have moved on since graduation.
Lockie has formal qualifications as an instructor in Harmonious Seat Riding, though methods for teaching have moved on since graduation.
Lockie has formal qualifications as a hoofcare provider, though the trim now has developed further since graduation.
Lockie has prior professional experience as saddle fitter, riding instructor, freelance horse trainer, rehabilitation of rescue horses, stable hand/groom and trekking guide
What is it like to learn from Lockie?
It can be really difficult to find teachers in the equestrian community. Many master horse trainers struggle to communicate kindly and honestly with their students.
Many lesson environments and training establishments can be rife with...
which can make it difficult to focus on the horse!
Lockie commits to holding space for you free from judgement. Working actively, every day, to become more and more welcoming as a teacher and professional for horse people who care deeply about their horses.
You can expect that Lockie will:
Prioritise the horses experience
Prioritise joy and curiosity and safety
Listen and understand your needs
Ask questions and learn about you
Refrain from unsolicited advice and assumptions
Give clear answers to all your questions
Support your journey
Celebrate your successes!
All teachers have teachers...
Dr Paulette Mifsud
She was Australia's premiere Positive Sports Performance Psychologist. She worked with athletes, artists and even Olympians in performance careers ranging from track and field, pro-dancers and musicians, students and even equestrians.
Her methods focused on maximising your brains' potential to learn and perform using positive psychology as our tool of Self Awareness and personal development
She was training Lockie in her methods and developing him as her business partner before she passed suddenly from a rare illness in 2016.
Before she died she had one request.
"Take up the flag for me"
So the flag Lockie waves here is her legacy
The science behind this
For People: Positive Sports Performance Psychology, Self Awareness Practises, Somatic Experiencing
For Horses: Operant Conditioning, Affective Neuroscience, CAT-H, Attunement/Mirror Neurons, Polyvagal Theory, Constructivism Learning Theory, Social Learning Theory, Experiential Learning,
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